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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

  • My student is failing multiple subjects, can they focus on more than one?

    We can only note down one focus subject, our board of directors gave instructions to only do one subject at a time until they reach grade level. They are able to work on other subjects, but the majority of the tutoring session will be used to work on the students focus subject.

  • What is our "Sick" Child, Staff and Isolation Policy?

    Isolation, Sick Child, & Sick Staff Policy

    Sick children and staff are required to stay home and will not be allowed in the program.

    “Sick” is someone exhibiting, but not limited to the following symptoms: cough, shortness of breath, fever (temp. 100.4°F or higher), sore throat, chills, vomiting, and/or diarrhea with a contact phone number listed whom to contact to inform.

    Children & Staff who arrive sick or become sick while at the center will be sent home as soon as possible, site staff and District staff must be notified to allow for in depth sanitization/cleaning and or closure.

    Staff and Children who become sick while on site will be isolated from well groups.

    One dedicated staff member will supervise any sick children in the designated infirmary/isolation area until a parent/guardian arrives to pick them up. Children will be made as comfortable as possible.

    If a group has a COVID 19 confirmed participant, the other members of the group will be informed. Staff will follow up with County Health Services to implement contract tracing procedures.

    Program may be cancelled due to an illness in the program or a change in State, County or Federal guidelines.

    Participants will not return until they have met one of the criteria below:

    -14 days have passed since they started showing symptoms

    -Consulted with their doctor about resuming public activities A record that a doctor was consulted will be required to be readmitted into any programs.

  • What is our ASAP Program Attendance Policy?

    Students may only miss up to 2 days consecutively with unexcused absences. If a parent does not make a phone call within those two days, they will be notified via phone that their student is on the verge of being dropped. A parent will have until that same day to make a phone call to the office to excuse any absences their students may have.

    If a student misses program often with several unexcused absences or does not attend frequently, the student will be dropped from our program and their spot will be given to another student.

  • What is our Prevention and Social Distancing Policy?

    Prevent Spread & Social Distance Policy

    Participants will wash hands often with soap & water, especially if visibly dirty. Hand sanitizer will be used if soap & water is not readily available. Children will be supervised when using hand sanitizer and when washing their hands. They will be assisted with handwashing if they cannot do it on their own.

    Kids will be encouraged, as always, to keep their hands to themselves and kids will be strategically spread, when possible, during activities for appropriate social distancing.

    Items will not be shared amongst separate groups. Any shared items or locations will be disinfected by GECAC staff before another group can use it.

    Staff will always wear a face covering. Children will not be required to wear a face covering, but are encouraged to.

    Children should cover coughs and sneezes and wash hands right after doing so.

    Frequently touched surfaces will be cleaned daily by GECAC and MUSD staff.

    Staff will not prepare food. Children must bring their own snacks (morning & afternoon) and lunch. Children are not allowed to share food. Lunch/snack will be eaten away from other groups, inside the classroom, or at their assigned “Active Space”. Solid foods should not go into sinks. Liquids need to be thoroughly rinsed down the sink.

    Children will stay with the same group throughout the week (Monday to Friday) and the same staff members/supervisors will stay with the same group of children to the best of our ability.

    Groups of a max of 10 children will be split into separate classrooms and groups will not mix.

    Classrooms will be divided by age groups. In most instances’ siblings will be kept together in the same group to limit family exposure.

    Each group will be assigned an “Active Space” to use each day. No other groups will be allowed to use the same “Active Space” on the same day. Active Spaces will be sanitized and cleaned each day before another group will be allowed to use it.

    There will be two assigned restrooms to use each day. Restrooms will be sanitized throughout the day. Participants will be asked to practice good hygiene while using the restroom, such as washing their hands and not touching their face or others.

    Classrooms, Restrooms, and Active Spaces will not be open to the general public.

    Parents/guardians must wear PPE when picking up and dropping off.

  • What is our TEACH Program Attendance Policy?

    Students are required to attend both days of tutoring. If they will be absent, parents/guardians must call our program office a minimum of one hour prior to each students scheduled session. Only our Program Office staff can excuse absences. It WILL NOT be excused if parents/guardians tell the site coordinator, school staff, or ASAP staff. After three unexcused absences, students will be dismissed from the program. After an excessive amount of excused absences, they may be dismissed from the program.

  • What is the cost of our ASAP program?

    ASAP has a $10 non-refundable application processing fee. It costs $30 a month per student with a cap at $70 for families with 3 or more students enrolled in program.

  • What qualifies a student for the TEACH program?

    Students must have at least one (1) core subject below grade level on their report card/progress report, be in special education (have an IEP or 504), or have a strong teacher referral. If the report card has an S- or C-, a strong teacher referral must be provided.

  • Will tutors focus on homework during the tutoring session?

    We do not focus on homework. Tutors communicate with teachers, via email or in person, to plan out how to help their students reach academic goals. If their homework is in their focus subject, the tutor will dedicate a few minutes to explain it and choose a few questions to go over. It is the parent's responsibility to make sure their child's homework is completed. 

Still have questions?

Feel free to contact us with what's on your mind.